Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bean Around The World

Today was sunny and nice, as it goes.  True, I was wearing a jacket, and it did rain a bit, but at least I wasn't cold.  The cherry trees are in bloom.  Even better, I just had time before work for a scone.

Bean Around the World is a Vancouver chain.  As coffee-themed puns go, it's not bad.  The also have a badass "Fuelled by Caffeine" logo.  Consistency is not the watchword.  Some stores are decent (Parkgate), some tolerable (Lonsdale Quay), some pretty terrible (Main & Broadway).  There are at least two within walking distance.  The one at Main and 20th, however, is special. It produces some damn fine baked goods.  The coffee is fine and definitely drinkable, but it's an afterthought.  You go there for enormous, warm, bready scones.  The scones are the size of your head.  And oh, the variety.  Blueberry, of course.  The difficult to enunciate, but no less delicious, Blueberry-Raspberry.  The Raspberry, with or without white chocolate.  There may also be a cheese one.

Today was blueberry.
Unlike most scones, here we have a crispy outer shell you have to crunch into.  Sometimes you even get a slightly burnt sensation.  Inside is soft, yielding baked excellence.  There's actually a bit of a raw aftertaste that adds a sense of danger to your scone experience.  This is the V8 muscle car of the scone world.  Far from refined, it revels in its savage flavors and monstrous size.  You devour it and sigh happily, hands stained with blueberry juice.  One would never drink tea with this scone. Strong black coffee and lots of it.
This is my go-to scone and current Vancouver favourite.

Overall: 4.5 out of 5.

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