Thursday, March 10, 2011


Welcome to the Scone Review.

This is the place for reviews and criticism of Vancouver's coffee houses and scone-eries. Partial to scones as I am, I will try to sample every scone in the city and rank them in order of deliciousness. Bakers and baristas alike will tremble in fear at the release of my official scone-list. Who will be elevated to scone glory, and who cast down to the darkness with the likes of Tim Horton's and lesser pastry shops?

Scone Rules

You speak of muffins? Muffins have no place on Scone Review. They may occasionally be mentioned in passing, sconefully. Bread-y puns are encouraged here at Scone Review.

Biscuits are sort of a grey area. If served plain or with butter, I'd say they're just Scones of the South and will consider them. If served with gravy, that's something else entirely (an abomination, delicious though it may be).

Scone FAQ

What is the appropriate drink to accompany a scone? Coffee, black.

When are scones appropriate? At all times.

What makes a good scone?   Ah, this is why you've come seeking scone advice. An excellent scone shouldn't need to be slathered with butter or jam, but it should be possible to do so. Warm from the oven is nice. The scone shouldn't be a crumbly mess, nor should it be hard, or doughy. It should travel well in a paper bag. Nuts have no place therein. On the outside, it may be crunchy or soft.  Sweet or savoury, both can be sublime.  Above all it should make you happy and content and think, "Ooh, Lovely," even though it's raining out.

1 comment:

  1. Richard, love your reviews! wish I had more time in Vancouver to follow in your scone footsteps and sample your recommendations. When in Bend, OR, I tried a delicious looking large triangular cranberry flavored scone at "Strictly Organic" coffee shop. Great coffee and wraps. Disappointing scone - excellent texture, but no personality. Boring. On the other hand, here in Vancouver, this very day, at a certain downtown "old establishment", while watching the Royal Wedding re-run, I was served the apotheosis of a scone - delicious, not too crumbly, warm, and with clotted cream!
